Mandibular Advancement Device (MAD)

A Mandibular Advancement Device (MAD) gently guides the jaw and tongue into a relaxed, forward position which opens the airway and keeps it open during sleep. This device reduces or alleviates snoring altogether and helps you get a better night's sleep by adjusting the position of the jaw and tightening the tissues in the upper airway.
If sleep apnea is something you struggle with, if you snore regularly, or if you struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep, you may find relief from an MAD. One of the MAD appliances we use at Kuljic DDS & Team is the Lamberg SleepWell Appliance.
This appliance is a simple design with a big impact on sleep. Its convenient, comfortable style that’s easy to care for, adjust and wear, makes it a great option for our patients and because it’s so easy to use and wear, we see high patient compliance. We’ve heard from several patients diagnosed with OSA that they can not tolerate their CPAP
Here is how “The American Sleep Disorders Association” defines MAD: a device which is introduced into the mouth and modifies the position of the jaw, the tongue and other supporting structures of the UA for the treatment of chronic snoring and OSA.
They are considered a valid alternative, which can be the first choice in simple snorers, mild OSA patients, mild-moderate OSA with low body mass index, and patients suffering from the syndrome of increased resistance of the upper airway; and a second choice in patients who do not improve or cannot tolerate positive pressure devices, patients at high surgical risk and who react badly to surgical treatment.
The aim of the MAD is to improve the patient's sleep quality as well as that of the relatives or roommates, by reducing or eliminating snoring and respiratory pauses during sleep.
Call our office to schedule a consultation to discuss if a Mandibular Advancement Device is right for you.