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Effective Gum Recession Treatment in Beverly, MA

Gum recession is one of the gum issues that patients can often identify. When the recession is at the front of the lips , it will be readily seen — particularly if it is on the upper front teeth .

But , recession can be found on any of the teeth , and on either the lip/cheek side of the teeth or the tongue side or roof-of-the mouth side of the teeth .There are basically two various types of recession that we will address .

One is the type that appears in patients’ mouths when patients are usually performing a great job of cleaning their teeth . This kind of recession is usually related to the client being pre-disposed towards recession due to the gums being thin and fragile . We can describe this as Gum Recession : Thin , Fragile Tissue .

Another kind of recession is seen by patients who have gum disease that is a bacterial infection because of the bacteria that are normally in the mouth . That is some other type of recession and involves not only gum recession , but additionally the destruction of the under-lying bone which supports the teeth . While the patient could see some gum recession , if they are aware of the indications of gum disease ( periodontitis ) , they should see other signs as well as the recession . This kind of recession we will define as Gum Recession : Bacterial Infection

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The following signs and symptoms may indicate gum recession:

Sensitive teeth – Teeth become sensitive to hot and cold or to sweet, sour, or spicy foods.
Teeth may also appear longer than normal (a larger part of the crown is visible if gums are receding).
The roots of the tooth are exposed and visible.
The tooth feels notched at the gum line
Change in the tooth’s color (due to the color difference between enamel and cementum)
Spaces between teeth seem to grow (the space is the same, but it seems larger because the gums do not fill it any more).
Cavities below the gum line

The following signs and symptoms may indicate gum recession:

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